Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Encounters with wild animals

Last week we spent it at the beach. 
Little had a fun time playing in the sand and running in the water.
 While there she met a sand flea that Mommy caught for her. Mommy is not comfortable with sand fleas. I caught a few, all of which I caught with the net and made sure I didn't touch. 
 She was mesmerized by it and even touched it. After a while we set it free. 
Later during the week, we found a rana in the balcony. Now this is an animal I am not comfortable with at all. In fact when I found the frog under a toy I scream so loudly the neighbor came out. Daddy caught it and temporarily kept it captive in order for Little to meet the frog and see what live frogs look like.
 She was so excited she ran to get her toy frog, but when she couldn't find it she returned with her other green stuff animal, the turtle.
 Mommy eventually found la rana and Little made sure fake and real frog met.
The encounter with both animals was a success only thanks to Daddy. Mommy is not comfortable with many wild animals, I am consciously trying to be a stronger role model around these animals so Little doesn't grow up afraid of them. 

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