Thursday, July 14, 2011

On vacation

We are heading South to visit Mommy's family 
 See you in a month

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Party with The Wiggles

The Wiggles Birthday Celebration was a total success. 
Little's face when they first came out was adorable, she did not know what to do with herself. 
They were very engaging, funny and entertaining. It can be argued that Mommy had even more fun than Little, mainly because Mommy understood the jokes.
For us there were three stages to the show. 
First, Little was hypnotized. Just sitting in my lap, staring at the stage, dancing just a little.
The second stage was when she decided she had graduated from my lap to her own seat.  
Saying "Igle"

The stage of freedom ended when the purple wiggle came to our row to dance with the children. Little liked having some distance between her and the guys, when he walked towards us, she became a bit worried, so she abandoned her seat and decided to stand by me.

She still did a little dancing then, but stayed cautious in case they returned.
Little clearly enjoyed herself. As we were waving good bye at the end of the show. Little started blowing them kisses; the blue wiggle saw her and looked at her and blew her a kiss, Little didn't even notice, but it sure was a highlight for Mommy.
She was glad to be on her way home and I thought she had had enough wiggleling for one day, but as soon as she got in the car she started asking for them on the TV.
She enjoyed the ride home watching The Wiggles. 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday with Grandparents

Little spent the entire day with GG and Grandad.
Judging by the state of her shirt and the big smile in her face when she returned I am certain she had fun!
Happy baby = Happy Mommy :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dental Hygiene

Little is very serious about her dental hygiene, she brushes her teeth even in the car. 
She thinks toothbrushes are the funnest toy (specially Mommy's and Daddy's) and wants to play with them all day long. 
 I think they can be a bit of a hazard, but as long as she is sitting I am comfortable letting her have supervised play with them. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Encounters with wild animals

Last week we spent it at the beach. 
Little had a fun time playing in the sand and running in the water.
 While there she met a sand flea that Mommy caught for her. Mommy is not comfortable with sand fleas. I caught a few, all of which I caught with the net and made sure I didn't touch. 
 She was mesmerized by it and even touched it. After a while we set it free. 
Later during the week, we found a rana in the balcony. Now this is an animal I am not comfortable with at all. In fact when I found the frog under a toy I scream so loudly the neighbor came out. Daddy caught it and temporarily kept it captive in order for Little to meet the frog and see what live frogs look like.
 She was so excited she ran to get her toy frog, but when she couldn't find it she returned with her other green stuff animal, the turtle.
 Mommy eventually found la rana and Little made sure fake and real frog met.
The encounter with both animals was a success only thanks to Daddy. Mommy is not comfortable with many wild animals, I am consciously trying to be a stronger role model around these animals so Little doesn't grow up afraid of them. 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

We have been celebrating Independence Day the best way...At the beach! Today Little had fun playing at the beach, swimming at the pool and even ate hot dogs for the first time.  Now we are waiting for the fireworks, which we will watch at the beach. It will be Little's first time seeing fireworks and at the beach it is fireworks galore since everyone has their own small display in addition to the professionally organized ones.
Happy 235th birthday America!
Thank you for being a great place to live and raise a family!