Saturday, November 24, 2012

7 Months!!!

I am a little happy and curious girl and I'm already 7 months old. 

 I love my sister, everything is better if she is around
  • Favorite word: Aaaaaa, Maaaa, Naaaa
  • Favorite song: "Lauren, Lauren she is the man, if she can't do it nobody can't." Noodle learned the song when cheering for her cousin's football games, she now uses it for Tashi too
  • Favorite food: Cookies. Tashi has a sweet tooth. She loves Honey Graham Crackers and Maria cookies
  • Favorite trick: I sit comfortably, I roll over both ways and I love tasting my yummy toes
  • I smile the biggest when: I am tickled, especially when Mommy blows raspberries on my belly
  • Favorite person: Abuelo and Yaya, they are so sweet to me
  • Newest discovery: I love staring at my hands
  • Favorite activity: Putting my hands (and anything I can find) in my mouth
  • Least favorite activity: I don't like having my face cleaned
  • I cry when: my Mommy walks away

  • Here you can see my 2 little teeth